Pilot Project: Horticultural Therapy as a Preventive Measure
The pilot project “Horticultural Therapy as a Preventive Measure“ funded by IKK classic uses the results from the study “Conditions of Implementation and Impact Analysis of Horticultural Therapy on Residents of Nursing Home with Dementia (DuWigata)“. This study scientifically examined the implementation of the fields of action in terms of physical activity, cognitive resources and psychosocial health in accordance with the Guide on Prevention (Leitfaden Prävention) in the context of a controlled multicentre investigation.
In 2021, ILAG – Institut Leistung Arbeit Gesundheit (ILAG - Institute for Performance Work Health) designed the above-mentioned pilot project based upon the results of this study. A key innovative feature of the project was the qualification of staff from the participating care facilities to become garden therapeutic assistants. The association "Gärten Helfen Leben“ (Gardens Helping Life) actively supports the implementation of the project. The “Internationale Gesellschaft Gartentherapie e.V.(IGGT) (International Garden Therapy Association) is responsible for holding and assessing the examination at the end of the project period. The evaluation of the project carried out by ILAG, will provide the basis for further consideration on the promotion of garden therapy by IKK classic.